PPC advertising on Google

Advertising on Google

Meet Google Ads. Google is the most popular search engine on the planet, so it’s the best place to advertise. Reaching your customers when they search for services, browse websites, watch videos and shop online. Google Ads, or in Hebrew Google Ads, is an excellent way to reach users who are actively involved in the Internet and are searching in the Google search network or in the display network.

Google search

Place engaging information about your products and services in front of users who are already actively searching for them.

Have you ever searched for something on Google and found very accurate results at the top of the screen with a little ‘ad’ disclaimer? These are part of a Google Search campaign. Google Search, formerly known as AdWords, is one of our most popular marketing services.

Google Ads works perfectly alongside SEO to ensure your products and services are always at the top of search results so you can stand out from the competition.

Google view

Remarketing to users who have already shown interest in your products and services. Increase your reach and promote your business visually when people are surfing the web.

Google’s display marketing network can reach 90% of the world’s internet users. Display graphic content on email, YouTube, blogs, and millions of websites worldwide. Get your graphics, text, or short videos in front of the right people and help grow your business.

Google shopping

About 80% of online purchases are made through Google Shopping ads, which means if you have products to sell and you’re not at the top, you’re losing money and customers that are especially relevant to your business.

Influence users to buy from your brand for products and services they are already looking for. We can place the products on your store’s website right in the line of sight of the people who are looking for them, attract their attention in prime time and lead to a purchase.

YouTube ads

A video can say a thousand words in a few seconds and leave a lasting impression on your potential customers. Video campaigns with Google place your videos on YouTube as well as other platforms and apps. Connect your brand with the people most likely to be interested in it.

Advertising on Google in 2023

Sponsored advertising on Google, such as Google Ads, is an important tool for businesses and organizations to reach their target audience on the Internet. The basic ideas that are important for paid advertising do not change from year to year, but there are several reasons that make paid advertising on Google especially important in 2023:

  1. Increased exposure: Google allows businesses to display their products and services in a sponsored way at the top of Google’s search results, which gives them wide exposure.
  2. Sponsored targeting: Google Ads allows advertisers to focus on a specific target audience, using keywords, geography, language, time, and more.
  3. Measurement and analysis: Google allows advertisers to track the success of the campaign using a variety of metrics, including the number of clicks, the number of conversions, and return on investment (ROI).

In addition, sponsored advertising on Google can work very well together with organic promotion. While organic promotion requires time and effort to achieve results, sponsored advertising allows for quick and targeted results.

Significant changes in sponsored advertising on Google for 2023

  1. Cost per Lead (CPL) increased in most industries, and in some the increase was significant. For example, in the art and entertainment, tourism and furniture industries, the increase was respectively 134%, 69%, and 54%.
  2. Another move by Google is the cancellation of Expanded Text Ads, which were the main format for text advertising in the last decade. Google replaced them with Responsive Search Ads (RSAs), which are based more on machine learning engines and allow more flexibility, but also give marketers less control over their messages.
  3. Google also ended support for Smart Shopping and Local campaigns, and instead began automatically upgrading them to its new Performance Max campaign. This change offers certain advantages, such as access to new locations and the location of the ad, but also requires more budget and data.

Interested in a Google advertising service? We are experts in the preparation, design, maintenance of campaigns and their publication on Google and we will be happy to help with our services. Get in touch and start your marketing journey.

Promotion on Google

Contact us today to learn more about our Google advertising services and how we can help your business succeed and advance on Google. We will help you reach the target audience and achieve your goals with our Google advertising services.